If you live in an area suffering from severe drought, you may be considering ways to conserve water. One thing to note is that lawns tend to take up a significant amount of water to stay hydrated. Therefore, the best place to start in your water conservation efforts would be to reduce the amount of grass on your property and replace it with alternative landscaping solutions that would be low maintenance. Read More»
Constructing a driveway on naturally cohesive or wet soils is a difficult job. Such clayey soils absorb a lot of water, which weakens the bond between the soil particles even in an area where you’ve compacted the ground using heavy machinery. Thankfully, you can stabilise such soil by treating it with lime to suit your driveway construction needs. Lime stabilisation brings in desired moisture retention qualities that prevent hardening and cracking when the soil loses water. Read More»
The popularity of bitumen driveways in residential and commercial properties can be attributed to the general resilience and durability of the material. Basically, the surface is made from gravel which is bound together using petroleum residue products. The combination of the products forms a very hard and water-resistant material that provides long-term service under heavy usage. Still, bitumen driveways are vulnerable to damages due to poor maintenance practices, improper usage and even inclement weather. Read More»